A fundamental unit of measure for describing the number of file changes per a single feature. One Korman PR equals to about 100 changes.
It should be used as a rule of thumb for automatic PR reviews - any PR that can be measured in one or more Korman PR units should be declined automatically and never spoken about again.
He made 2 KPR this week. That is why we fired him
by nijebitno December 7, 2018
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Walk up to a random guy in the street (street party is the best option). Give him a quick KISS, a light PUNCH in the gut and then RUN away. Your friends then yell "You've just been KPR'd" and run after you.
by The_Bouncer May 23, 2011
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Someone: yjrtrt od dp,rpmr ms,rf kpr (somewhere)
Someone else: ejp od kpr
Someone:kpr ,s,s
by ChezPuf June 22, 2021
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