kings mountain is a town where 90% of the kids are cousins, even if they have no aunts or uncles.
a daily kings mountain conversation:
friend 1: dude i just found out my bf is my cousin
friend 2: really? how are you cousins?
friend 1: my moms uncle is his dads cousins brothers cousins uncle
friend 2: riiiight....
friend 1: confusing i know but im gunna keep dating him anyway because hes HOT!
by airbear January 22, 2006
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A very small uber religious town ( too small for a Walmart, but big enough for 2 McDonald's) where everyone knows everyone's very boring and uneventful business, but everyone is so bored that they have nothing better to do than gossip and back stab. The highlights are a coffee shop and several children's consignment stores. Everyone can't wait to get out of KM, but hardly anyone does.
Kings Mountain, NC Cult town
by Bobi7896 February 17, 2011
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A childhood game where kids climb a pile of snow and try to be the only person standing on top. Kids push each other down the snow pile and tries to get to the top to push the "King" off so they can be the new king.. until someone pushes them off. Quite dangerous. Many injuries may occur, depending on icyness of snow pile and violence level of children participating.
"Krista, come outside, hurry! The neighborhood kids are playing King of the Mountain!"

"I got a bloody nose playing King of the Mountain. Totally worth it."
by straightupBA February 9, 2010
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Having sex in a cable car/gondola while going up/or between mountains to ski.
dude, i got king of the mountain today,
sick bro, where did you pick that chick up?
by King of the peak 2 peak April 11, 2011
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A famous classical piece written by Edvard Grieg. The song starts off with a gentle but catchy beat, but slowly speed up and intensifies. It gives you a sense of something spiraling out of control, escalating into chaos. Paired with the right clip, this song can produce a hilarious video.
"Hall of the Mountain King" played in my head during finals week, as I was overwhelmed with hours of homework and studying, my grades slowly spinning out of control.
by Sarcastic_Sarcasm February 1, 2017
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Dáin II Ironfoot
After Thorin, Fili and Kili have died, Thorin's cousin Dáin II Ironfoot of the iron hills becomes king of Duran's folk, otherwise known as king under the mountain.
by justaman June 5, 2017
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