I am feeling really Kevin Spacey today.
by SabrinaB September 29, 2007
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Keh·vin Spay·see
to assault or abuse (a person, especially a child) sexually, possibly while intoxicated.
Synonyms: Harvey Weinstein, George Takei, Ben Affleck, etc.
Chad: Did you hear about Danny Devito?
Derek: Yeah, it's weird that he's pregnant. At least he didn't Kevin Spacey somebody!
by Nepho November 12, 2017
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Brilliant actor who played Francis Underwood on House of Cards, a show where he raped people on the set, the role he’s most commonly known for.
“Ew Malik Hall be trying Kevin Spacey me”
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The act of pulling one's penis out of a girl's vagina during sex only to turn the girl around and slap her breasts yelling "Kevin Spacey, bitch."

Also refers to the Actor himself.
I totally gave her a Kevin Spacey last night.
by amysmenu August 30, 2008
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When you confuse one actor for another by face or name.

A universal name used to replace any other actors name when you can't remember who played a part.
-Kevin Spacey Bacon is my favorite American actor.

-I can't remember who played opposite Natalie Portman, some Kevin Spacey Bacon.
by wordcoin June 10, 2011
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An excuse to get out of a sticky situation by coming out as gay, and thus attempting to undermine the whole point of the allegation.
Guy 1: So I owe you some money after a game of poker. I don't remember this ever happening though and I deeply apologise, these allegations have made me address other aspects of my life and it is now that I choose to live my life as a gay man.
Guy 2: Dude don't use the Kevin Spacey Defence
by OctagonDinosaur November 3, 2017
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When you get called on doing something illegal or deplorable and come out as gay to deflect blame.
I hear that crazy guy that killed a bunch of people used the Kevin Spacey defense. What a hero.
by Keksperanto November 2, 2017
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