Extended version of KKK, used to relate to a fat loser not the white supremisist ass holes. Still attending college at the age of 30, an old school conservative with conflicting values about race and sexuality. Will remain a virgin for the rest of his sad life unless rape laws are ammended or abolished. He buys the times every day and clearly just looks at the pictures, as he can "read" the whole thing cover to cover in 10 minutes.

Neil: hey man check out that Keef K9 Kirby Twat

Kevin: Yea Dude hes such a dick hole, check him ou watching the news on his own again

Neil: Well, they should not use so many colourful pictures then.
by Porchmonkeyforlife February 10, 2009
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When you ram your index finger into the pussy violently twice, yelling out " BANG BANG!"
David- Hey how did the date go last night?
Peter- Yeah I Chief keef that pussy, BANG BANG!
by sentaii April 12, 2019
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The people u ship in The Keeper of the Lost Cities ur team is Sophie and Keefe
I am Team Foster- Keefe being defied
by Sophie and Keefe 4ever February 25, 2022
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an item owned by the gods and the ones blessed by them. also the pogger people a race of people that reside in their mothers basement and dont get off reddit.
by chief keef09834 April 19, 2022
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The most amazing person in the world even better than Jesus or God! He is like Travis Pastrana on steriods on Birk Hill jumps! Danny Refers to him as Alan Titchmarsh wanting a pair of second hand shoes. Basically everyone wants to be him coz he's a beast and called KEEFE!
Woah! Who's that!? Oh Its Rickie Keefe! :D
by God on His Laptop July 13, 2011
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