1. The Hindu belief that all the good or bad actions we take in life generate Karma. Good Karma makes you have a better Afterlife. Bad Karma makes you reincarnate and suffer.
2. A continuous streak of bad luck
3. A female wrestler who performed on WWE's NXT brand
1. Be kind. Generate good karma to go into the Afterlife.
2. Karma's a bitch.
3. Kharma was a good wrestler. But she was fat, and she was pregnant.
by Narfmonsterr January 7, 2017
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controversial belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa.
If Karma existed, you mean to tell me that children who deal with abuse and violence is their karma?

War on innocent people is their karma, they deserved it?

Karma vs Jesus? Do you really know someones life that well that you are capable of judging them and everything that happens to them is their own karma? Who are we to judge? We don't know their life.
by Karma Beliefs March 31, 2013
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Karma is a ho and a big bitch. She likes to start drama and dates a new guy each week. Sometimes more than once. We’re not even sure her real name is Karma but it’s what she goes by.
Guy 1: “Man I cant believe what Karma said today”
Guy 2: “Well you know what they say, Karma’s a bitch
by Swol Gay November 14, 2018
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A large invisible, magical and often angry, elephant.
Likes to shit on cars.
Karma is the VENGEFUL elephant, watch out of he'll shit on you.
you know the song=
"karma, karma, karma the vengeful elephant"
by G-UNIT March 14, 2005
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Getting back at someone for something they did
Boy: its over
Girl: *cries* i love you though
Boy: ohh well.
-two weeks later-
Boy: i miss you. i cant live without you
Girl: oh well. you had your chance
Boy: please, your so great
Girl: ha, sucks doesnt it? Karma's a bitch
by babestatus June 4, 2009
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KARMA is on CP Time: she gets there when she damn well pleases and she's always right on time!
"Karma is a bitch! Don't worry; Karma will roll around. She's like some love on layaway."
by Thouston299 October 27, 2013
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As Albert Einstein famously said, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Karma is basically this. So, kicking some kid in the shin may result in someone seeing you and telling someone of higher authority than and getting you in trouble. That, my friend, is Karma. Karma can be good, too. So, if you did something bad, something bad will happen back to you, the "equal reaction". But, like he said, there is an opposite reaction as well, leaving room for good things to happen.
"I saved some guy's life a few years back, and now he's like a billionaire and we're friends!"
"You just got some o' that good Karma."
by Deskivemma June 19, 2018
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