by #bigdaddyav🤡❣️ September 29, 2019
In Newfoundland and Norther Canada, the practice of fishing without a rod by lowering a hook into the water and rhythmically jerking it upward until it encounters a fish.
"All sizes and figures with squid lines and jiggers, they congregate here on the squid-jigging ground."
by Balbulican January 25, 2004
by Superman March 25, 2003
by poopslut November 20, 2022
The word "jig jig" or written sometimes as "jig-jig" is used in SE Asian countries to mean "fuck" usually by prostitutes. It was a commonly used word in Viet Nam.
by Dimi December 3, 2006
by thatboycee July 17, 2022
A style of dancing originating in Louisiana where the dancer vigorously shakes there arms and wiggles there knees at the same time. It is a weird combination of legs movements, arms movements, jumps and head movements. Easily One Of The Most Creative Dances Seen. TOO BAD NOT MANY PEOPLE OUT OF LOUISIANA KNOWS. IT WOULD BE NICE TO SHARE JIGGING TO THE WORLD.
by DK Drew March 23, 2016