
jeronimo is the most handsomest (not even a word), sweetest, nicest guy ever. he is the best friend ever and he is so nice.

jeronimo is a boy's name that's sure to demand attention. meaning "sacred name" coming from greek origins. sometimes its spelled as geronimo, this name is an alternative form of jerome. i said this before but he is SUH-WEET BRO!!! he is usually smart and plays video games alot
by ramennoodlesramennoodles July 19, 2023
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Word used when performing leaps of great bounds or when jumping into an extremely large hole.
Paul couldn't believe the size of Rebecca's giant hole and screamed "Jeronimo!" before mounting and penetrating her.
by James January 7, 2005
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😍😍. the best friend ever
jeronimo your so 😍😍
by ramennoodlesramennoodles July 28, 2023
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A hot filipino boy who loves to game and is an amazing boyfriend
Is that a filipino boy? no thats a Jeronimo.
by desibun February 27, 2017
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Its a boyname and mostly in italian or south-america used. You can also scream the name "jeronimo" when you're jumping from a high place, because of the native american jeronimo.
My name is Jeronimo

by Swäswä January 3, 2017
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Jeronimo “JJ” Lopez

A chad dude with an affinity for soccer. Is 1”1”. Little midget. But he’s a cool dude who has a lot of knowledge. Loves Liverpool. Is totally biased towards Columbia. Loves joke but hates cringed JoJo posers. His archenemy is a chad dude named Shuvojyoti. He even wrote post about him. Shuvojyoti must be one steaming hot dude.
Bro your short as Jeronimo “JJ” Lopez my guy. Drink some milk.
by Boy with a stick June 16, 2022
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Jeronimo “JJ” Lopez

A chad dude with an affinity for soccer. Is 1”1”. Little midget. But he’s a cool dude who has a lot of knowledge. Loves Liverpool. Is totally biased towards Columbia. Loves joke but hates cringed JoJo posers. His archenemy is a chad dude named Shuvojyoti. He even wrote post about him. Shuvojyoti must be one steaming hot dude.
Bro your short as Jeronimo “JJ” Lopez my guy. Drink some milk.
by Boy with a stick June 16, 2022
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