1. Captain of the Black Pearl
2. Completely insane, in a brilliant way

Daft like Jack
by katarik September 1, 2003
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THE hottest sexiest most wonderful pirate EVER, the HOTTEST guy n eyeshadow, the finest all around!
*why is the rum gone??
*If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.
by I Luv Johnny Depp October 2, 2003
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A pirate who can melt women with a single glare from those heavily lined eyes. More specifically...Johnny Depp.
Heheheee...i was raped by Jack Sparrow and I enjoyed every minute of it!
by 'Drea Eleanora December 13, 2003
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WHERE DO I START?!! Evil but adorable...dishonest but reliable...dopey but smart...sleazy but charming...drunk but......no, just drunk ;)
"But why is the rum gone?"
"...so we're all men of our word, except Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman..."
"Will, nice hat!"
by Anna December 10, 2003
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There should be a "captain" in there somewhere.
(after being addressed as "Jack Sparrow" by a British noble)
Jack Sparrow: There should be a "captain" in there somewhere.
by iqwb June 20, 2013
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The best pirate to sail the horizon!!!

the most humorous of the lot!!

the sexiest of the lot

ladies and gentleman:its CAPT. Jack Sparrow!!!

but you're forgotten one VERY important thing mate..I'm captain JACK SPARROW
by rahul007 August 14, 2006
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