To presume that a task will be short in length, when in reality it turns out to be the complete opposite, and an unbelievable nightmare to boot. First used by Sir Laurie Painter of Salisbury
"Listen I've got a quick job for you, 5 minutes in and out"
by Von Winkle of Le Froy November 5, 2008
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If you are 5 minutes late or 5 minutes early. it does NOT count as late/early because everyones clock or watch runs a few minutes different from another person.
I was 4 minutes late to the dentist but considered "on time" when the receptionist said "it's okay 5 minute rule" and then I waited in the waiting room for 5 minutes but the doctor was not considered late.
by mistressofmike July 15, 2012
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When waiting in a lineup for 5 minutes or more and you cream on the back of an unsuspecting woman.
Hey Cam did you just see that 5 minute Larry I just pulled on that chick.
by Da Prime August 20, 2010
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A nigga that can only last 5 minutes in bed, He cums too quick
So we were fuckin' and all I know is he stopped 5 minutes in and shit, he got off and I was like what the fuck?! 5 minutes my nigga really?!
"Bitch you got yo self a muthafuckin 5 minute man XD oh my gosh this is so fuckin' rich."
by Beautyfadesdumbisforever! February 12, 2016
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Time you should wait before interjecting your opinion when walking up on two (or more) people in a conversation.
John and Fred were talking about Gun control, and Mike walked up and said that "Obama is going to take your guns away", but if he had waited 5 minutes he would have known they weren't talking about gun control at all, but how to shoot a gun. John says, "5 minute rule" and then everyone understand, he shouldn't have gotten into this conversation at this point. (And looked like an idiot).
by Xman2013 March 2, 2013
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A variation of the 5 second rule, which dictates that food dropped into an awkward or uncomfortable place is still edible if retrieved within five minutes. Often conceived to be a more chivalrious instead of just plain ol' disgusting, especially if a man retrieves food dropped by a woman and eats it himself, replacing her loss with something that didn't touch the floor. It is also a more applicable rule than the 5-second variation when the moment of dropping the food is particularly ironic and demands a short pause for the appreciation of the twistedness of the world.
Girl: "No! I dropped my Mars-bar behind the computer desk! T_T"
Boy: "Here, have mine, I'll invoke the 5 minute rule." Boy proceeds to fish the Mars-bar, and emerges victorious after a few minutes of shuffling under the desk.
Dropper: " I was late to get up, my car was stolen, when I got to work my boss said not to come in if I can't get there in time, and-- here I go, dropping my sandwich on the floor. Perfect." Dropper stands still for a moment before picking up the sandwich.
by Exapno Mapcase May 5, 2007
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