Homoeroticism Yay!
1-Homoerotic subtext in film, books or movies. Usually followed by a feeling of glee in the viewer. Can also relate to homoerotic films in general.
1-Homoerotic subtext in film, books or movies. Usually followed by a feeling of glee in the viewer. Can also relate to homoerotic films in general.
by 6th June 14, 2003
Noun, abbreviated from 'Homoeroticism, Yay!' The phrase originated from the television programme 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' and is used most commonly in various internet fandoms. It can also be an exclamation of glee.
The word is used to describe a homoerotic or homoromantic subtext between two characters, generally on a television show. Where one sees HoYay is, of course, extremely subjective, though in some cases it can be canon, not just subtext, as in the episode of 'Angel' wherein Spike says 'Angel and I were never intimate... apart from that one time.'
The word is used to describe a homoerotic or homoromantic subtext between two characters, generally on a television show. Where one sees HoYay is, of course, extremely subjective, though in some cases it can be canon, not just subtext, as in the episode of 'Angel' wherein Spike says 'Angel and I were never intimate... apart from that one time.'
'Did you see "House" last night? The HoYay was palpable!'
'Those two totally bring the HoYay.'
'Ahh! HoYay!'
'Those two totally bring the HoYay.'
'Ahh! HoYay!'
by Culumacilinte October 10, 2007
HoYay! is an abbreviation for 'homoeroticism yay!' - which is why it often retains an exclamation mark. Refers to subtext between two (usually heterosexually identified) characters. Its first major use was in the Smallville fandom, referring particularly to the Clark/Lex sexual subtext.
by Kazzi August 15, 2004
by actinium May 8, 2003
OMG are you feeling the HoYay! love between Ian Thorpe and Pieter van den Hoogenband? They are so slashy.
by M March 19, 2005