The bits of dead skin shed when a person bites their nails.
Aaron bit his nails constantly, so much so that a sprinkling of handruff gathered on his chest.
by Bullbullbalabil April 18, 2017
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The state in which your hands are excessively dry and skin peels off, similar to dandruff.
"Man, put some lotion on you have total handruff."
by AriaK January 6, 2010
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Dry skin that flakes or peels off the hands.
Using harsh cleaners without wearing gloves can result in handruff.
by Ouroboros kitty June 25, 2007
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When the palms of a person's hands are so dry that they leave a what looks like dandruff on what ever they touch.
My golf in structor, Scott, gets his handruff all over me. I have to shower twice to get it all off!
by FutureUSOpenChamp November 3, 2011
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