
(n.) A noun relating to foolish and absurd acts often committed in a social setting, but may occur in private as well. While the origin of these shenanigans dates back to traveling salesmen selling men’s clothing in 17th century England, over time it has become more widely used to describe the aforementioned types of acts. Alcoholic beverages are a popular catalyst to the occurrence of such foolishness.
See also the synonyms: tomfoolery, hooliganism, and buffoonery
Common misspellings include: "haberdashary", "habardashery", and "fred"
The woman scoffed, but knew her fiancé’s drunken haberdashery would be limited to the night of his bachelor party only.
What is the meaning of this haberdashery?!?
by e. trujillo and e. orme November 30, 2005
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the artful design, creation and selection of fine hats, probably the fruitiest fashion pursuit of them all
by foltor August 8, 2005
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Supposed to be a place where men accessories are, but is used in such a way:

"I want to touch your haberdashery."
Makes absolutley no sense, but it depends on how dirty your mind is.
"I want to touch your haberdashery."
by Emi-Panda August 9, 2009
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Blantant bullshit. To go about and a decietful manner.
Did you see that haberdashery?
by eltruT December 15, 2005
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lexi’s favorite word ever, she doesn’t really understand what it is but it sounds good
i like the word haberdashery
by arappernamedlexi January 7, 2018
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Put some pants on- you don't want everyone seeing your haberdashery!
by Gram Smith July 4, 2013
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rectal haberdashery

Complex term used to describe an asshat, typically so the asshat standing in front of you doesn't understand what you said.
You: Hey, look at that fine example of rectal haberdashery holding up the line.
Asshat: Rectal what? Was that a compliment?
by rm_you November 3, 2005
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