A delicious whiskey but it has some burn when it goes down and has a way of sneaking up on you. Similarly to the way your granddad might if he was Jerry Sandusky. Hence the name for this whiskey.
Granddad came over to spend the night and we drank Old Grand Dad together. I trusted him, and the whisky was good, but each shot burned like hell on the back-end. Then I woke up to find that he was rubbing my bum.
by Iandiablo January 13, 2012
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A rip-off japanese Super Mario game which uses assets from several other games and has the title 7 Grand Dad. Made populair by a youtuber in recent history after which it became a meme unknown by most {normie}s
by guitesnuit December 7, 2016
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To do something in the style of your grand dad e.g oppa grand dad style
My grand dad taught me how to drive, so I drive grand dad style
by sexy hoe 69 April 30, 2016
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A person that give you the fattest fucking dump truck in the world and also the biggest dick.
by PENIS AND NIGGER GANG. May 12, 2022
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