
fashion design that is influenced by outdoors style, such as fleece jackets, fanny packs, windbreakers, puffy jackets, parkas, and hiking boots. rich people go glamping (glamourous camping) and wear gorpcore clothes. it will influence menswear more because it's like men's camping and hiking gear but with more special attention to design detail and fashion. the irony is that most people wearing gorpcore will never go camping. imagine a normal fleece jacket with a designer logo on it.
guy 1: hey, can you grab my wallet out of my fanny pack?
guy 2: where did you get a red fanny pack?

guy 1: balenciaga... all the ones at rei were black. i wanted to make a fashion statement.

guy 2: ahhh, gorpcore.
by Xtiaanity May 27, 2017
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inspired by the expression good ol' raisins and peanuts, gorpcore represents outdoorsy/hiking/mountain wear. Brands such as NorthFace and Patagonia represent gorpcore.
Drake: Yo what the heck are u wearing
Obama: Im just wearing some gorpcore
Drake: Gorpcore?
Obama: Gorpcore is mountain or skiing stuff.
Drake: Oh thanks obama by the way whats ur last name
Obama: ...
by skimaskthepumpgod January 30, 2022
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a fashion style that is similar to that of hiking/ wilderness/ utility tech wear. Big brands will often use this style to seem like they are with the trends but most of the time corporate gorpcore ends up really ugly.

Gorpcore could be influenced by other fashion styles like tech wear and cyber y2k, as well as go outdoors summer collection
A gorpcore outfit is not complete without sunglasses
by zeenomorph July 17, 2023
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