give a rat's ass

verb (to): to literally give a fuck about something
mother: Adrian, I want you to save your sinking Titanic. The only way you can do this right now, is guess what, to give a rat's ass about your future.

Adrian (snoring): ,,,zzz...zzz...oh hello mom, what time is it?
by Sexydimma May 24, 2012
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Give a rats ass

‘To not care in the slightest’ or to not ‘give a shit
Often used by small, angry, bald men with insecurities.
‘The police don’t give a rats ass about the public’

‘As long as I’m ok I could’t give a rats ass about anyone else’

The management don’t give a rats ass about the workers
by CaptMorgan86 January 14, 2022
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i dont give a rats ass

'I don't give a rats ass' is a similar phrase to 'I don't give a shit'.This basicaly means that the person who uses these words doesn't care about the circumstance whatsover.Literally,it means the person doesn't care about that situation even to the extent of a rats ass!
Person 1-Hey mate,My girlfriend presented me with a mobile
Person 2-What do you expect me to do? I dont give a rats ass about it!
by Vinks July 23, 2014
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An expression meaning I couldn't care a less or give a shit about something.
Worker: "I was late to work because my car broke down goddamit!"

Boss: "I couldn't give a rat's ass if you got anally raped this morning! You're fired!"
by Human Pickled Punk May 7, 2016
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Give a rats ass

‘To not care in the slightest’ or to not ‘give a shit
Often used by small, angry, bald men with insecurities.
‘The police don’t give a rats ass about the public’

‘As long as I’m ok I could’t give a rats ass about anyone else’

The management don’t give a rats ass about the workers
by CaptMorgan86 January 14, 2022
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