To find something amusing; something that makes you laugh. To be generally enthusiastic about something.
I get a charge out of watching Seinfeld.

I get a charge out of driving fast.
by Libertine October 3, 2005
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A criminal charge where a creepy man either sexually assaulted or attempted to sexually assault a woman. Usually used in jail to degrade another inmate who looks suspicious.
Carl: Can I sit here at this table to eat my dinner?
Jacob: No way. You look like you've got a get off me charge. Better scram.
Carl: Okay. I'm sorry.
Jacob: Move it!
by DHirtyFYL November 3, 2023
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Don't get too worked up over this inconsequential thing. It's similar to "don't get your panties in a bunch, but much more relevant today"
Did the Uber cancel on you? Don't get your charging cables all wound up, we'll just order another cab.
by Curious Curls April 23, 2024
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