2 definitions by Faggotbitchnigga
Its somewhat in between genderfae and genderfluid where ones gender can fluctuate all through the spectrum of genders but never fully a man (They can fluctuate to demi-boy)
Remember pronouns or sex don't define gender :)
Remember pronouns or sex don't define gender :)
Jackie: hey alex what are your pronouns today?
Alex: Hi, they're actually he/they
Jackie: oh but i thought you were genderfae?
Alex: yea i thought so too but this morning i relized i fluctuated to demi-boy
Jackie: oh thats awesome, do you have a specific label now or are you unlabeled?
Alex: yea im genderfaer
Alex: Hi, they're actually he/they
Jackie: oh but i thought you were genderfae?
Alex: yea i thought so too but this morning i relized i fluctuated to demi-boy
Jackie: oh thats awesome, do you have a specific label now or are you unlabeled?
Alex: yea im genderfaer
by Faggotbitchnigga April 26, 2021
She's a skinny ass bitch who thinks she's cute and pretty but she isn't. She tries to act black but fails every time and can't get over boys named Leo, Jerimah, and Justin.
by Faggotbitchnigga December 2, 2019