gekting is a girl who loves to sleep but betrays people rather often. She's beautiful and everyone loves her.
gekting is a pig
by wobushiLeon November 20, 2022
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Gekt stays for: Get Rekt. Used mostly in videogames (such as minecraft or roblox...). This word has another meaning that can be even offensive. If you say gekt to someone remember to tell him the meaning (Urban Dictionary).
"u wot m8?"
by Chrononimo April 20, 2018
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Gekt is an other definition for: Get Rekt.
It's mostly used in Britain and It's used in videogames (Minecraft, Roblox, Battle Ground... mostly in violence games).
"You know what? GEKT DUDE!"
(for example in a war/battle)
by Yononimo April 19, 2018
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