Gahba means bitch in Iraqi Language, some other countries use this word too, such as Syria, Kuwait, KSA, Lebanon, and UAE.

Gahba = Whore, Slut, Bitch, and prostitute.
by mkadhimov February 16, 2011
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Gahba a word used often in Kuwait (an Arab country) that means Bitch.
Gahba can be also spelled as 'Ga7ba'
Notice the number '7' Arabs use numbers to pronounce letters that are not included in the English alphabet
Basically 7=Ha
a rough 'Ha' as if you were going to choke
You are a Gahba :D

Inta Ga7ba!
(You're a gahba)
by Mightymish July 17, 2010
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Gahba is an Arabic word which means prostitute/whore.
It is used when you want to cuss one of your friends as a joke.
You're being such a Gahba.
by Mez158 January 17, 2022
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An Arabic slang word. Agahb means fucking a hoe on my lap. So gahba is similar to the phrase(YOU FUCKING WHORE)
Oh my flicking god you are suck a gahba
by The-arab-heaux February 26, 2023
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