To describe a feeling that one cannot describe when one is all the feelings that shall be listed. These include: Frustration, Shock, Pain, Angst, Surprise, and uncertainty of what will happen next. It's Flabbergasted with a bit of dyslexia. That's how confused you are.
I am so gabberflasted from everything that has happened from Tuesday till now, it's like my world has done a 360.
by Thatgirlwheused2beurgirl January 12, 2010
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When one is flabbered beyond gasted they enter a state of Gabberflastedness, that of which is of pure shock, awe and the same gasps used by none other than sir william shakespear (one may inadvertently switch to speaking as if they were from the days of old england AKA fancy shmancy)
Friend: did i flabbergast you?
You: far worse, for you see, i am gabberflasted
by Sir Beans of Heinzington March 25, 2023
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that crap is gabberflasted!!!

that ggirl is so hot she is gabberflasted!!
by anthony stamos May 15, 2008
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When someone says something so mind numbingly boring, instead of being flabbergasted you are gabberflasted into speechlessness
Friend: Did you hear the principals speech the other day?
Me: Yeah i was fuckin gabberflasted man
by Cwevin Berko June 12, 2020
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