
wus up g-dog
by Albert Mercado April 5, 2003
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Father Greg Boyle, S.J.
“ 'Nothing stops a bullet like a job.' This is the belief of unlikely gang expert Father Boyle, a Jesuit priest also known as G-Dog," who works with youth in East Los Angeles.
by geoh777 August 16, 2012
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A name given to true gangster pimps. 'Tis is used to show the utmost respect. G Dogs, have one of the strongest pimp hands and should never be compared to grandpas!
Gabby warned Efrain with his pretty boy sway to never forget who the true G DOG was, yet he did and his tombstone now reads, "Death by Pimp slap!"
by pimpmama000 March 19, 2011
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Someone with a name starting in G who abbreviated it like this because people would add gay in their name.
"Hey wassup G"
"Wassup G-dog
by Gokus44 June 26, 2019
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G dogging

It means going off to smoke smoke some weed without mentioning anything dodgy
You going for a g dog later
by Riggs October 20, 2004
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G Dog

A homosapian who acts, looks and speaks like a grandad, they're clothes also resemble a grandads and has a dog like face.
by mini lolocaust January 22, 2010
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someone who is your homey and you like to @*&# him in the ass
by duncan99 March 24, 2007
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