by Fryth December 27, 2003
What happens when I'm playing counterstrike and the other guy has a fuckin awp and all I have is a goddam Deagle.
by Panocha007 June 8, 2003
"I just slit my ho's throat and got caught by the cops with 3 oz's of weed up my ass, my crack pipe, and the bloody knife."
"shit dude, your fuxored."
"shit dude, your fuxored."
by BLOODsexSUGARmagik February 14, 2005
by MirrorImage July 8, 2005
Man, I fuxored your computer, you're screwed. Better wipe that porno before you send it for repairs.
by Heywood April 17, 2003
by Guy with definitions October 18, 2003
I am fuxoring with his girlfriend!
by Taylor Bylund December 7, 2005