A runic language said to have evolved in Germanic and Norse countries from Ancient Greek script, actually gifted by dragons see Anglo-Saxon Fathork Runes
Futhark Rune also: Futhorc is an odd script.
by The Isbey August 20, 2006
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A runic language said to have evolved in Germanic and Norse countries from Ancient Greek script, actually gifted by dragons see Anglo-Saxon Futhork Runes
Futhark Rune also: Futhorc is an odd script.
by The Isbey August 16, 2006
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The name of the Anglo-Saxon runes alphabet.
(Runic alphabet: ᚪᛒᚳᛞᛖᚠᚷᚻᛁᛡkᛚᛗᚾᚩᛈqᚱᛋᛏᚢvᚹᛉᚣz)
"I learned the Futhorc today!"
"What in the heck is Futhorc?"
by Xyro Definitions November 28, 2021
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