A majestical thingy which people like to do the cha cha on.
"I nailed my friend Bobby's foot after he put a Furious Warlock Buckle in my locker."
by Haywood Jablowyourself June 23, 2007
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Phrase - An unnecessarily long and extremely boring speech that could have been done in less time and conveys little to no useful meaning.
Steven Pinker's Big think speach on linguistics was a real colorless green ideas sleep furiously moment.
by FoxyLady85 September 23, 2022
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A franchise where it's basically live-action Hot Wheels.
Person 1: Hey dude, wanna watch Fast & Furious where a bunch of cars are doing crazy shit.
Person 2: Aw hell yeah!
by stupidwebsite November 7, 2022
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