Girls who enjoy yaoi (a genre in Japan that contains sexual and/or romantic relations between two men); literally translates to "rotten girl"; male counterpart : fundanshi
Bailey admits that she is a fujoshi.
by Yuri Katsuki January 13, 2017
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Females who enjoys BL (boy love)or 'yaoi'.
My friend Celine is a Fujoshi
by Death Herself December 1, 2016
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A female that enjoys shipping two males (even if they're straight) and watching yaoi and hentai
Fujoshi means "rotten girl" in Japanese.
The male equivalent of a fujoshi is a fudanshi ("rotten boy")
Pronounced: (foo-joe-she)
"I'm a fujoshi and I'm proud!!"
"She's such a fujoshi"
by Otaku-chan2007 April 4, 2019
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Many people get this term confused or use it without knowing the real meaning or the background of the term

Being a fujoshi means that you fetishize gay relationships that’s why it is looked down upon by many but if you read yaoi/BL that doesn’t make you one

Being a fujoshi is a not a good thing at all and do your research on a term before you call yourself it
Girl 1: Hey Im a fujoshi
Girl 2: What that’s disgusting why do you fetishize gay relationships
by Athena.UwU. May 8, 2020
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Homophile women who get aroused by imagining two (or more) cute guys loving each other.
Fujoshi herself is not included in the imagination, usually those cute guys are not gay, and the situation is absolutely impossible.
Yoko is such a Fujoshi!
She masterbates to Supernatural imagining Sam and Dean in bed, naked, touching each other!!!
by marigarita February 5, 2009
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A female (usually straight) who fetishises male x male.
Fiona: I'm a fujoshi lol
Lauren: that's nothing to be proud of...It's not cute and quirky, rather, it's very insulting and disgusting
Fiona: fuk u XD
by TheGeekyBitch September 2, 2018
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Girls who enjoy Yaoi and fetishizes MLM.
Friend: Are you a Fujoshi?
You: Yeah
Friend: Get well soon 😘
by dolljeon October 3, 2020
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