The expression on someone's face while they are conducting a physically strenuous activity, or when they receive some unpleasant news.
Ex1 "Hey, new guy! Wipe off that fuck-me-face and get back to work."

Ex2 Dan's reaction to the loss of field pay was a series of Fuck-me-faces

Ex3 "That ruck march was so long, I was making fuck-me-faces every 20 meters."
by Troop-A-Loop September 15, 2011
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Eating esp. in large amounts.
I sat at that diner and fucked my face with ice cream for a full hour
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I was just chatting with his bitch, and he started fist-fucking my face!
by Silence March 26, 2003
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when your head tilts and one side of your mouth goes up and you look @ someone thinking "shut the fuck up"
boy1"dude she cheated on you"
girl1*gives shut the fuck up face*
boy2(bf of girl1) "WHAT THE FUCK JENNY!"
by hahaiknow101 June 24, 2009
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See Matt Schr3ck and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Dude, I'm Matt Schr3ck. Someone hit me with a baseball bat in the face at a very young age.
by 2Pac February 16, 2005
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Roy pissed me off so bad I was about to go bananas and I told Roy to back off or I as about to monkey fuck your face off!
by mrgconn August 11, 2018
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