Describes an overly camp individual.
C: That lad Boz is far too fruity fruity for my liking!
D: I know he's so gay!
by Craig_Egg November 6, 2006
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When someone says something a lil bit gay, but not gay enough to be gay g a y.
Ares: No homo but I would open my ass cheeks for you

Bob: No homo but you’re like my bestest best friend in the world and i could kiss you right now
All of us collectively: Dats kinda fruity doe 😳
by chaoticbitch May 7, 2019
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A word used to describe somebody as being gay or suspicion of being gay
“Bruh Aaron is hella fruity, I saw him staring at men’s ass”
by Clarktoby82 January 2, 2020
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Someone who acts gay, but they arent gay enough to be gay.

Like, they might do things considered gay, but they aren’t actually homosexual
“Holy shit, Marco is so fruity. He said that he might give someone head just because he is curious how it would be like, wtf”
by TheFrenchDuck March 4, 2021
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Someone/thing that is homosexual in nature.
Guy one- Dat boi over dere is fruity af cuz
Guy two-I don't think so B
Fruity Guy- You got a tight ass my nigga
Guy two-I change my mind
by MikePense555 March 13, 2017
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