from whence

If you use this, you are a dick. See whence.
Bill: "Take that wrench back from whence you got it little man!"

Scott: "Quit trying to sound intelligent you dwanker; it is simple 'whence.' There is no need to use the word 'from' with 'whence'; it is built into the to speak.
by psiscott April 21, 2006
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"You shall be taken to the place from whence you came, and from there be taken to a place of execution. You shall be hung by the neck until the body be dead... dead... DEAD!"

When British judges gave the death penalty (unfortunately, it was discontinued, which is a shame), they would put on a black cap, and, in a solemn voice say this sentence to the criminal, bringing down the hammer each time the word "dead" was uttered.
I wish someone would bring back the death penalty.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004
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