A cool and nicest friend you can have. If you find an energetic flower, keep that flower close. Don't cut its stem because it'll die. Leave it the way it is because those flowers are rare to find. ( Oof noot )
Wow is his gamer tag Energize Flower? I want to be his friend!
by Zebra That Is Violent December 20, 2017
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where a female gets punched in the vaginal area quite hard
"don't make me give you a flower power pain shower"
by sineppenis May 9, 2014
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Ruby Mckinnon (born March 10th, 1998) is a singer/songwriter from LaSalle, Ontario.

Better known by her stage name "Flower face"

She is an alternative Indie artist. Creating music beginning at the age of 14

she has been writing and producing from her bedroom.

Her more recent releases, "Cornflower blue", "back to You" and "sugar water"

With smart-moving lyrics and sweet vocals, she is a small artist that deserves to keep an eye on.
I love your music taste. Have you heard of Flower face?
by wittchhinghour January 21, 2022
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A amazing cult that honors Cagney Carnation a boss from a game called Cuphead. The cult currently has... 7 members. The Flower Cult owner is... Yukii (online name)/Celeste(Quotev/Discord name) we love doing some random stuff. we are currently planning a Funeral for the owners Monokuma plushie. Funfact I AM THE OWNER!!! BAHAAHAHA!!!! We also like to summon Cagney at 3AM we sometimes spam whatever.
we love Cagney, Bob and Danganronpa! Today i almost burned down my house trying to make Macaroni! THERE WAS SMOKE! HAHA ! (Monday, August 8 2022)
Yukii: Yo. wanna join the flower cult?!
name: what tf is that
Yukii: its a cult where we honor Cagney.
name: yeah sure.
Yukii: YO! WE GOT A NEW MEMBER!!!!!!
Tsumugi: cool.
Nyx: slay!
Any other member: omg heyoo!!
by 「Yukii」 August 8, 2022
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Codename for Weed, Pot, the Marijuana, etc.
Me: "Yo man, let me get some of that King's Flower!"
My Drug Dealer: "Yo I'll sell you an eighth right now!"
by SandyToes May 21, 2015
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The smell that arises when one has not washed their genitalia for some time.
Hey Ross, does this bus smell like a blooming flower or what?
by undercoverunicornreal April 24, 2020
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A flower case is one of those "aesthetic" cases all the indie girls have.
flower phone cases are "so in"
by cake lover 180 November 11, 2020
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