Sarah was making a flerping noise at her cousin.
by Nemo Star April 3, 2019
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the sound made by a googly-eyed, short, stubby cartoon penguin makes when it does a backflip.
for example:
by maei October 3, 2006
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A flerp is the word used to greet someone and leave them bemused as to what you just meant.
<to jodi> Flerp
<from jodi> what does that mean
<to jodi> nothing really

5 mins later jodi updates FB status to... "What does flerp mean"

by Gorgeousal2410 June 18, 2010
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(noun, verb, or adjective)
to spasm or move around violently, can be good or bad
- Did you hear that trumpet flerp?
- I feel flerpy today!
- You're such a flerp.
by hogwartschica November 7, 2011
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A fart emanating from the tip of the penis. However that works.
I was pushing so hard I had to flerp after.
by Bill Stains October 17, 2007
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A flerp is when you are looking for a word but forget as soon as your saying it so all that comes out is gibberish
The other day I was trying to say squirrel but then I had a flerp
by Blerh August 14, 2018
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emo kid: this song is so sad it makes me so sad it's so emotional
me:flerp flerp flerp flerp flerp!
by 'moke bowl September 9, 2005
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