Any pointless or useless activity. Often seen in large organizations.
I can't eat lunch today, the vp has me doing a rock fetch.
by eMeS November 7, 2004
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by LUELLLA DEVILLE January 9, 2010
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a phrase used when telling someone/something to get the hell out and to go away and die.
mark: dude, scott, please play yu-gi-oh cards with me!!! please!!!! there's this awesome new monster that-
scott: mark, go fetch.
by jessie r August 7, 2005
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to fetch the cow


Taken from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", to fetch the cow is to react disproportionately and inappropriately over a very small insult or slight. Can also be shortened to simply "fetching".
Man 1: Your scarf's quite gay.
Man 2: Say's you, fucking homo, I hate you. Your mum's sucking my cock every night, and I'm wearing this fucking scarf when she does it.
Man 1: Mate, stop fetching the cow.
by FetchezLaVache November 1, 2010
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Something that is nowhere near believeable. Almost to the point where its annoying. Cough Cough Brett Farve.
Joe: Yo dude did you hear brett farve is coming out of retirment?
Mike: WOW...JUST WOW.. thats mad Farve-Fetched
by Stevie Rockahoee August 22, 2009
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A road trip where the collector takes along a companion on the false promise of fastfood as payment.

The collector insists on waiting 'till the return journey before suggesting food.
Then issuing the immortal line "Well, were nearly home now, might as well not bother!" , much to the disgust of the companion.

"How was your weekend, Simon?"

"Oh man I went to Fetch a Chair with Steve"

"oooh you must be starving, here, have some of the best chips in South Wales"
by v70r April 26, 2009
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An ginger cat that bullies autistics children and steals their chicken nuggets.
That fat fuck is a fetch kitty and stole my nuggies
by Sarabando August 25, 2022
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