Another word for the swear word 'Fuck', generally used in Ireland. Can be used as 'Fecking', 'Fecker' etc.

*Kevin gets hit by car*
Johnny: Oh shit... GET THE PARAMEDICS!
by thatguywithbaddefs October 8, 2018
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Feck is a word to basically describe a chinless person. It's where your face and neck are sort of one big chunk. Where your face and neck blend together and you have no chin. It is a combination of the words "Face" and "Neck". It is most commonly seen on overweight people, but skinny people can have fecks too. Tori Spelling is a good example of a skinny person with a feck. The term was coined by Kelly Roman of Astoria, Oregon in 2007.
Vince: "Holy shit! Did that lady swallow a brick?"

Kelly: "No, she just has a raging feck"

Vince: "Word"

by Vince Roman May 5, 2008
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Of Irish origin, feck is what a lady says when she really wants to say fuck
So Mary is a real lady, when she gets mad she says feck it anyway instead of fuck it
Me Mam told me to tell ye to feck off
by yatenga December 9, 2011
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Irish slang for the word “fuck
Feckin hell last night was mad
by Greycloudss April 16, 2018
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For example my friend stole my bitch “feck
When you get kicked out of college “Feck
When you drive drunk and get pulled over for having your ass out the window and look at the cop who is actually your dad “Feck”
by Jar jar jar October 4, 2022
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from old Scots or Irish - literally 'effect' - has fallen out of use in this context, but is a the origin of the word 'feckless'
these drugs have yet to have a feck
by PenhaligonBlue May 17, 2005
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