A fleace like jumper, but made completly out of your own feaces rubbed on the skin...
I might go put on a feace, its getting cold out...
by Cheeseylump November 14, 2010
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Abbreviation of the word Feces, or Human Excrement. the word originated in the south of England and can be used in many contexts, such as insults, comparisons and general conversation.
Person1: "Hey man nice Jacket!"
Person2: "What are you talking about?! its Feace!!"
by Len Underwood March 1, 2006
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Abbreviation of the word Feces, or Human Excrement. the word originated in the south of England and can be used in many contexts, such as insults, comparisons and general conversation.
Person1: "Hey man nice Jacket!"
Person2: "What are you talking about?! its Feace!!"
by Len underwood March 6, 2006
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All other 'ur' comebacks are invalid once this has been used, as it will defeat all who hear this mighty phrase, and make every dimension 1-∞ collapse
"ur mom gay"
"Yeah? Well ur dad lesbian"
"Is that so? Cause ur granny tranny!"
"Oh yeah? Ur grandpa a trap"
"So what? Ur family tree LGBT"
"Ha! Well ur species eat feaces."
by Jazzhanz123 March 28, 2018
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memeulous without the mask

you will never know the story behind feace, or what it is, but this is it, trust me, feace>
OH MY GOD ITS THE FEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Orio____ February 24, 2023
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After extended constipation (think low fibre/ dehydration), a digestive bottleneck ends in multiple feaces voided via the anus.
The ejection will lead to both extensive matter & expansive bowl coverage.
To the point wherein a seeming city of feace will emerge.
Person a) "Dont go in there yet, Angus just did a shit."
Person b) "Big one?"
Person a) "Feace city."
by SalonStyleResultz September 14, 2021
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