Booger Fairy

One who slurps or sucks the boogers out of their significant others nose.
by ravensfan1 January 14, 2021
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Skinty fairy

The cool way of saying skinny. Us skinties have wings.
Me and my bff's: I'm a skinty fairy!

Person: you mean stinky?
Me: no SKIN-TY !!
by Skintyfairy April 15, 2020
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Beautiful fairy

When broken up beautiful means a good image and fairy is something that can fly so together they mean a Google Doc image that can fly
Person1 wow that picture its so beautiful.

Person2 no that's a beautiful fairy

Also In some languages the name Ella means beautiful fairy
by Entering customs January 2, 2024
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The act of one person doing a butt naked hand stand while another person blows a plug of cocaine in to the asshole of the naked hand-standee.
Lets check the Quality by doing a good fairy-dusting!
by QCHR May 13, 2022
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Fairy Dusting

When a gay man puts glitter in his butt crack then farts said glitter on someone or all over the place.
Rodney is fairy dusting Rob. It looks like Rob just got into a fight with a stripper.
by Jade prince February 10, 2020
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Ketamine Fairy

An underage girl that is intoxicated on drugs because of her inability to buy alcohol.
"That girl over there is 14 and gurning, what a ketamine fairy"
by Michael Douglas October 24, 2017
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Shank Fairy

When a stabbing occurred, and everyone who was around when the stabbing occurred, says they did not see anything because they were asleep or they were in the bathroom with all 30 other people who were around when the stabbing occurred. So, the Shank Fairy is obviously the one who did the stabbing.....
Jacob: Hey, Frank, who stabbed up this guy?

Frank: I don't know, everybody says they were in the bathroom when it happened. Nobody saw anything....

Jacob: That f'n shank fairy!!
by Jdawg1775 June 7, 2012
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