A person destined to outlast the test of time.
Someone: "Remember Eddy from high school?
"Well of course you do, who wouldn't??"
"That kid is a one of a kind, exceptional beast!"
by TimeItself November 9, 2021
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Had a bunch of friends over last night, my house EFO today. EFO?? Ya man, it's EFO (Exceptionally Fucked Off)
by LEESUH E. May 25, 2019
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A signal to an opponent of an argument that you understand you are wrong. The purpose of which is to maintain dignity among surrounding parties.
Person 1: "Dude you're completely wrong! Tomatoes are fruits."
Person 2: "No way. Seriously, what about exception C?"
by gggdc February 5, 2010
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The weekend which falls a week after Good Friday is known as "Exceptional Friday"
Jesus Christs lesser known younger brother, Geezus Christ, once turned wine into tequila then spent a weekend in a k hole following the send off of his do-gooder brother.
by LuckyDC March 30, 2021
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"You can follow an 'unpopular' method or procedure 'till da cows come home' and nothing unusual will ever happen to 'justify' or 'vindicate' your unorthodox actions (and you'll likely get continually criticized by others for your chosen behavior), but then the ONE TIME when you eventually 'cave' and actually DO happen to follow the 'standard' or 'acceptable' protocol, THAT'S the solitary 'rogue occasion' when disaster will happen to strike --- something really bad will happen that would not have occurred if you had simply continued to follow your own 'pet' procedure that had seemed better/safer to begin with!"
My "super-long-term-driving-experienced" aunt had gotten fed up with my "back-seat driver" attempts to be helpful by telling her about vehicles that I'd see moving around fairly near our position when we'd be travelling someplace in her car, and so she had eventually asked me to just keep quiet and let here handle the driving herself. Well, of course, within a day or two, Murphy's Law of Exceptions decided to turn and bite me in da butt --- due to a view-obstructing sidewalk-mounted ad-sign, my aunt didn't notice an approaching car, but I did... naturally, that was the ONE TIME that I **didn't** tell her about it because she'd specifically asked me to keep my trap shut on instances like that, and so I'd ASSUMED (there's that word again!) that she'd observed the vehicle bearing down on the intersection. Well, as you might expect, we crashed, and there were multiple injuries in the other car! Can't win...!
by QuacksO March 9, 2019
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