A bottle of beer which cannot be opened with bare hands. For those seeking to unlock their booze in the most masculine way possible, this leads to maddening frustration.
Guy 1: Dude, I tried twisting open the booze, but it won't work!
Guy 2: Give it up man -- it's excalibeer.
Guy 2: Give it up man -- it's excalibeer.
by Dr. E July 7, 2008
A king-of-the-hill type game played on a mound of dirt put on a baseball diamond before it is raked out.
howto play-
A shovel is stuck on the top of the dirt mound, and everyone playing gathers around home plate. A prophet is declared, this should be the most reasonable person of the group. Then everyone runs, jumps, kicks, punches and does whatever possible to be the first to claim excaliber from the top of the dirt pile. Once excaliber is claimed, the prophet may decide to reset the game, or continue with king-of-the-hill while the king has a shovel to defend him or herself.
howto play-
A shovel is stuck on the top of the dirt mound, and everyone playing gathers around home plate. A prophet is declared, this should be the most reasonable person of the group. Then everyone runs, jumps, kicks, punches and does whatever possible to be the first to claim excaliber from the top of the dirt pile. Once excaliber is claimed, the prophet may decide to reset the game, or continue with king-of-the-hill while the king has a shovel to defend him or herself.
by isfos August 24, 2006
A famous side-arm carried by great leaders, and which can only be removed from its holster by those worthy of its ownership.
In "The Outlaw", Pat Garrett tries to trick Billy the Kid into giving him his famous Excalibers, but ends up with just a pair of useless revolvers from which he himself had removed the firing-pins.
by QuacksO March 4, 2019
by Russ gout June 1, 2024