Typically, of the male persuasion. This type of gym goer will usually overload with weight when lifting. They are usually the biggest noise makers, and command an audience, because they have to slam weight around because they are overcompensation for otger physical inadequacies(small hands, feet, or dick size).
I had to leave the room because of all the noise that Ego Lifter is making.
by Luckluckyluckford August 14, 2018
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An ego lifter (Not to be confused with a show off) is someone who tries to lift more than they normally would when they're being watched by others. They let their egos take control of them but will fail miserably when attempting the lift.
John usually benches 100kg but now that there were girls watching, he tried to bench 120kg but nearly ended up dropping the bar on his neck. What an ego lifter.
by A4775 March 1, 2021
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A person that lifts heavy weights with the only intention of impressing other people.
Person 1: Look at Derek, he is in the gym all the time
Person 2: Yeah, he is such an Ego Lifter
by Person1244534 February 7, 2022
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