Quit choking your drawls!

I heard my roommate choking his drawls last night. It sounded violent at certain points...
by Rooj Morej September 24, 2017
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Where a girl drags her pussy along a peace of paper and draws there partner with cum. Then the male join and paints her with his cum while she is licking his balls.
They were Creme drawling and it was beautiful!
by Jaxy The Definer July 5, 2022
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A different meaning of being pressed for no reason; mad off of nothing; angry from simple/bland questions
Man 1: yo charles, what happened to you and ole girl?

Charles: why the fuck you wanna know what happened to me and ole girl stay in yo lane.

Man 2: yo take your hands out your drawls charles he was just asking a question.
by MezzoFye October 27, 2022
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