A synonym of beautiful but for bro guys, bra girls and, broooooooo nbs
Bro, your outfit today is sooooo doodiful
by Seabass_tiondanzig August 21, 2020
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1.(n.)an unpleasant word that usually small children use to describe how they don't like someone; just plain creepy when a parent says it.
2.(n.)a nasty brown substance that comes out of your rear and lands in the toilet.
1.child: "No I don't want to go into time out! You're such a doodie!"
2.Ralph looked into the toilet and saw someone forgot to flush; there was a doodie floating in there.
by Kirsti Ferret October 20, 2007
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Word that you frequently confuse with "duty," particularly when you hear it on radio and TV, that causes you to laugh.
Newscaster: "It was his third tour of doody."

Interviewer: "So how long did you sit on jury doody?"

Saloon Keeper: "Did your bullet kill him, sheriff?"
Sheriff: "It was my doody!"
by creedmoor April 23, 2006
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wow Doody, you can rap!
by Sydn3y September 10, 2010
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What's up doody!
It's that D on mine!
Fo' Show doody!
by Dtown Dirty Dozen May 25, 2009
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