donde estas

this mean "where are you"
boy : que pasa mami
wut up girl
girl : nunca papi
girl: donde estas?
boy: mi casa
by coco puff 128 December 23, 2008
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Mamacita, Donde esta

Mamacita, Donde esta Santa Clause? (My Mother, Where's Santa Claus?, 1978, single.

* Donde esta: where is

words from Italian
christmas song:Donde Esta Santa Claus

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Donde esta Santa Claus?
And the toys that he will leave.
Mamacita, oh, where is Santa Claus?
I look for him because it's a Christmas Eve.

I know that I should be sleeping,
But maybe he's not far away,
Out of the window I'm peeping,
Hoping to see him in his sleigh.

I hope he won't forget to clack his castinet,
And to his reindeer, say,
"Oh Pancho, Oh! Vixen, Oh! Pedro, Oh! Blitzen,"
Ole! Ole! Ole! cha cha cha.

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Oh! Where is Santa Claus?
It's Christmas Eve.

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
I look for him because it's Christmas Eve.

I know that I should be sleeping,
But maybe he's not far away,
Out of the window I'm peeping,
Hoping to see him in sleigh.

I hope he won't forget to crack his castinet,
And to his reindeer, say,
"Oh Pancho, Oh! Vixen, Oh! Pedro, Oh! Blitzen,"
Ole! Ole! Ole! cha cha cha.

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?
Oh! Where is Santa Claus?
It's Christmas Eve.

It's Christmas Eve.
It's Christmas Eve.
It's Christmas Eve.
Alright, Mamacita. I'll go to sleep now.
It's Christmas Eve......
by alice December 1, 2004
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"He was not match for my two years of Spanish in middle school."
Tommy: Oh, my autosprint was off.
by Heb1 April 18, 2021
you have walked into a friend`s house, needing a bathroom, perhaps to fix your makeup. you say, por favor, donde esta al bano?
by brentlion August 2, 2009
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