The point in life when you can clearly see that one ball hangs lower than the other.
The 30's sucked. First time I had to wear glasses, gained about 20 pounds and developed ABD (Advanced Ball Discrepancy).
by Duece79 September 2, 2016
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The way you can say "Same Shit: Different Day" to family, friends, boss, co-workers, priests, cops, Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin etc and sound highly literate.

It even has the same acronym (SSDD).
Scholar 1: "How goes the research into Shakespeare's use of Jungian allegory in his tragedies?"

Scholar 2: "Scatalogically Similar: Diurnal Discrepancy."

Scholar 3: "Ah yes, indeed." (Cluemeter reading zero)
by Uncle Des September 4, 2010
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by OOCHIEDALOC May 29, 2024
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age-maturity discrepancy

An inappropriate gap between perceived maturity level in comparison with age.
Little Johnny had a large age-maturity discrepancy. His biological age was 13 but had the maturity level of the average 6 year old.

A large polar intelligence matrix in conjunction with an age maturity discrepancy existed between Sarah and Joe. They simply couldn't get along.
by Ontological June 25, 2018
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Amazingly pretentious word meaning 'differing' or 'inconsistent'.
Jane and Barbara hold discrepant opinions as to who ate the last donut.
by Scrmbly August 8, 2011
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Interracial Discrepancy

When two or more people of different ethnicities or cultural backgrounds get into an argument no matter how small. It is best used when yelling it out near the middle or a few seconds after the end of said arguments
Taylor:Thanks so much for the award everybo---
Kanye:Taylor I'm happy for you but Beyonce has the best video of the year!"

by reunitepangaea January 7, 2011
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human discrepancy

The differences in all of human beings as a whole in society. It is also reminiscent of the people’s ability to differentiate each other in society. It contains relations of unique properties and characteristics.
The room contained moderate amounts of human discrepancy.
by raymancavemansavedman July 21, 2023
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