dir en grey

An influential Japanese visual kei band, known for their heavy, gothic style and often politically-concious lyrics. Lead singer and lyricist Kyo is notorius for never writing a happy song.

Consists of Kyo as lead, Die and Kaoru on guitar, Toshiya on bass, and Shinya on drums. All have taken a turn as composers, though Kaoru has written most, and arguably the best, of their music.
Dir en Grey is a dark band, playing some of the most electic rock you're likely to hear.
by Cenori January 13, 2005
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dir en grey

a japanese band, pretty popular in the visual-kei (visual-style) genre. have lots of fans in harajuku (a 'culture-shock' district in capital city, tokyo) the band name was created from three words from three different languages. kyo, lead singer, twists various emotions into different songs, and all the band members are famous for sporting a rather transgendered feminine look (or bishounen, other words, 'pretty boy')
DEG? that is dir en grey!
by Anum January 31, 2004
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dir en grey

A Japanese rock group comprised of five members:

Kyo - vocal/lyric
Kaoru - guitar
Die - guitar
Shinya - drums
Toshiya - bass

Movers and shakers of the jrock and visual industries; they have a large (relatively speaking, anyway. the average american teen has probably never heard of them) fanbase in the USA. Their music is very diverse and, in my opinion, quite good.
I am a rabid jrock fangirl that loves a man in a miniskirt and full makeup. Hence, I am a big fan of the band Dir en grey.
by JellyMeh January 16, 2005
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dir en grey

Jrock (Japanese rock) band consisting of 5 members: Kyo - vocalist, Die - guitarist, Kaoru - guitarist, Shinya - Drummer, Toshiya - Bassist.
Examples of other jrock bands are X - Japan, Gazette, Merry, and Nightmare.
by Ally April 2, 2005
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dir en grey

One the most well-known japanese rock band, famous for their lead singer kyo - a beach blond weird dwarf - who cries/screams/shrieks and (used to)spit fake-blood/sperm/saliva during the songs, their weird and stoical drummer Shinya, their (no longer) beautiful and androgynious bassist Toshiya and their two guitarists Kaoru (leader) and Die. Formed in 1998, they released 5 albums so far, and came in Europe (France and Germany) in summer 2005. Considered as one of the biggest visual-kei-related jrock bands (even though they officially no longer belong to that movement). They are (unfortunately) the priviledged target of -bad- fanfiction writers, who like/tend to introduce kyo as an irresponsible 12-years-old sleepy head, toshiya as a slut, kaoru and die as perverts, and shinya as a female.
Alex : hey, who's the hysterical blond screaming and scratchig his chest while rolling on the stage ?!
Love_toshiya_forever : what ? you don't know him ?! He's kyo from dir en grey, my future husband !!! I love him so much !! I've written twelve fics and forty-five lemons on them !!
by hachiko_aizawa July 1, 2005
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dir en grey

Overrated J-metal band that dress like women. Way too overdone. One of the better known in America for some odd reason. As bad as Nu-metal.
'OMG! Dir en grey is like the best Japanese metal band, they are so hardcore.
by Chris March 16, 2005
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Dir En Grey

A good japanese band. When they first started they had a more visual, feminine style that reflected in the music and clothes. Over the years they have dropped the visual effects for a more masculine approach. As can be seen in the album "Vulgar". In 2004 they have totally dropped the visual kei gig. The music became heavier and more american influenced. They still sound good.
Clint: I like Dir En Grey.

Joe: Yes, i like them also.
by iwannabeanalcoholic April 21, 2005
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