A type of dance when a dancer dramatically falls backwards into a struck pose on the ground, usually to end a dance.
turn turn turn stop and death drop!
by Nevaeh Herbert September 23, 2015
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A type of dance move when a dancer dramatically falls or drops backwards into a struck pose on the ground, usually to end a dance.
Turn turn turn stop annnnddd death drop
by Nevaeh Herbert September 23, 2015
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A move thatโ€™s in majorette dance usually to end a dance or can be in the middle of the dance itโ€™s a dramatic fall into a stroke pose or another death drop is a kick death drop which is the same thing but ending in a different pose
Turn turn kick down around hooold death drop bow ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿพ
by Tali Li๐Ÿ˜ July 29, 2019
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a shot containing 151 and tabasco sauce...you only need one or two to send your night to another level
Me and my friend Sean blackout after taking scorpion death drops and tried to fight a police car.
by Pasty Pablo March 15, 2010
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