A liar, cheat, and/or scumbag. A total piece of shit. An untrustworthy waste of life.
You see that guy Joe? He's a total fucking Dardar
by Dar June 7, 2017
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Any reference to a word being used in a conversation that those participating in the conversation will understand what the meaning is while those outside the conversation will not look at it as a suspicious word.
i pulled my dardar out today on marry alice and skeetd in her face till she cried.

translation: i whipped out my cock on this dumb bitch marry alice and ejaculated on her face till she cried like a little bitch.

this weekend lets go hit up some dar dar i got some good dar dar from dar dar.

This weekend lets go smoke i got some good weed from that rastafarian next door.
by Ryan And Jonatan April 12, 2004
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