One who loves Christmas and is very tall and is a special individual
by mjj December 9, 2003
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adj. To describe actions of a person or a group of people having fun in a disrespectful manner. Not necessarily pertaining to dancing. Including, but not limited to being loud, obnoxious, causing a scene, horse play.
"Y'all look like a bunch of dancin' fools!"
by Andrew Longman May 12, 2008
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a two person or group event
parachute (crush up pill in fine powder then wrap in small amount of toilet paper taken like a pill) 1-2 pressed pill(s) of ecstasy OR 1-2 capsule(s) of Molly (pure MDMA)
2 mg calaudipin dropped in a shot of goldschlagger
smoke a bowl of Nugs (Marijuana)

2 bars xanax (4 mg) dropped in a shot of goldschlagger
smoke a bowl o Hash
2 hydrocone (10/500) dropped in a shot of goldschlagger
for girls 1 line of cocaine off a 6 inch penis or larger that matches the size of the penis, no being a pussy girls!!!
for boys one fat line off a titty or ass.
proceed to mix a small amount of cocaine in a little bit of personal lubricant rub onto penis, and fuck like stoned animals

can continue to drink and blow lines pop x eat pills at your own discretion...

this has been done but do not attempt unless you know your limits.

and a tip from the wise make sure the people in on it are clean or use condoms.
lets get down on some zombie dancin tonight
by KANSAShippezombie May 1, 2011
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the song that hat kid herself dances to
Smug Dancin
Get up on the floor
Dancin' all night long
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
All the time
My baby you on my mind
And I don't know why
Yeah but the feeling is fine
Can't you see
Yo' honey you are for me oh
It were meant to be
Dancin' in the moonlight
Gazing at the stars so bright
Holding you until the sunrise
Sleeping until the midnight
Get up on the floor
Dancin' all night long
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin' when I think of you
Dancin' is what clears my soul
Dancin' is what makes me whole
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin' when I think of you
Dancin' is what clears my soul
Dancin' is what makes me whole
Everytime when I look in your eyes
I smile with pride, happy that you're mine
Do you know, your love is true I know
You are the best thing that has happened to me
Get up on the floor
Dancin' all night long
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin' when I think of you
Dancin' is what clears my soul
Dancin' is what makes me whole
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin' when I think of you
Dancin' is what clears my soul
Dancin' is what makes me whole
Get up on the floor
by someone else thats not u March 31, 2021
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A strange, possibly deranged, individual with a perchant for dancing down streets wildly while listening to their iPod.
Dancin' Harry from Paris, France.
by Jake Rhodes December 21, 2006
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When a girl is half naked with the combination of shivering like shes cold with her arms crossed and twerking her ass.
The go-go dancer on stage is cold dancin

Dude she was cold dancin on my dick all night

You dance like you're cold dancin
by Forest Murphey September 18, 2013
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A dance executed so poorly with the specific purpose of clearing the dance floor. Characterized by karate kicks, unusual gyrations and falling over whilst flopping.
Dude, did you see Todd last night? He was totally Ted Dancin.
by Sir Toppumhat January 10, 2014
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