daddy yes

a common phrase emitted by orgasmic people when they are penetrated in their anal canyon.
person: im going deep

other person: daddy yes!
by daddyy 123 September 18, 2018
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Oh Daddy Yes

bro did you here how trey said," Oh Daddy Yes"
by hiilikepeanutdoodleshrines February 9, 2021
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daddy yes yes

When you drop a lightbulb down your bottom crack and you scream daddy yes yes and shout at the top of your voice I'm going to suck my large bent penis.
by WILLY SCRANNER February 18, 2020
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yes daddy

This word is used in the bed when he sticks in in to far
by Yes daddy word November 8, 2020
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Yes Daddy

When a women or guy is having a lot of pleasure they would say yes daddy!
by November 6, 2020
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Yes daddy

A commonly used phrase among horny teenagers or maybe a step family member.
by dp_nx March 22, 2021
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