A blonde headed beast summoned from fire and brimstone, usually dwelling in a family residence disguised as a mother, father or most commonly a sibling. The Dabbis feeds off garbage and cheese to quench It’s hunger for human flesh. The Dabbis patiently stalks the rest of the family waiting for the opportune moment to feast.

Usually in the night it will suck it’s victims entrails out through the anus leaving behind a lifeless skin bag that the Dabbis will later lay its eggs in. Once the Dabbis has devoured the family it will replace the members with its Dabbis hatchlings. To prow and feed off neighbors and friends for as long as possible.

The Dabbis is incredibly hostile, DO NOT touch its food it will attack and try to kill you. NEVER tell a Dabbis it’s wrong, It will kill you.

If you suspect you have a Dabbis in your home, you must capture it and drown it in holy water. If you don’t manage to catch the Dabbis in your home, your entire family will surely suffer a most painful death. Beware of this hellish beast.
Bob, I think sue is a bloodthirsty Dabbis. I have seen her making beastly groans while eating fast food out of the trash!
by John fstick September 27, 2020
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Typical response after placing your order at McDonald’s
May I please have a Big Mac?
by MKEDOUGIE July 4, 2022
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