Short for Nail Credit, 'Nail Cred' stems from being nailed in a back alley. The more Nail Cred one racks up, the more one can be nailed in a back alley.

Nail Cred can be given or recieved:
- the reciever of Nail Cred has the potential to be nailed in a back alley by whoever gave it.
- the dispenser of Nail Cred has the potential to nail whoever they gave it to in a back alley.

The act of being nailed in a back alley is commonly referred to as 'cashing in your Nail Cred'.

Note that it does not always have to be announced when you give/have been given some Nail Cred. Simply getting on someone's nerves is usually enough to increase your Nail Cred with them. Indeed, the act of annoying someone is commonly referred to as "Racking up Nail Cred"

Lorenzo: "Saunders has been racking up some serious Nail Cred with me recently. I think it's time he cashed it in"
Adam: You're such a gimp.
Dan: Have some Nail Cred.
by Byntje June 1, 2007
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One or more females associated with a guy or group of guys to create an image of heterosexuality.
Katie Holmes, Bar Refaeli, any chick with a pack of dudes

Jim: Hey, look at that hot chick riding in the back of that sausage wagon!

Tony: Yeah, that's their straight cred.

Dax begrudgingly brought his girlfriend with him to the lake as straight cred. He knew what a bunch of dudes in a giant boat shaped like a penis would look like to onlookers.
by Skeeball March 14, 2011
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Bro-Cred is a method of payment between bros. When money is not available, the charge is placed on Bro-Cred to be payed back later. Bro-Cred is only used amongst those whom you trust.
Bro 1: "Oh shit dude, I only have 2 bucks in my wallet."
Bro 2: "Don't worry about it, we'll just put it on bro-cred."

"Fuck me man, after that last sack I'm up to $125 on bro-cred."
by ZagBro January 11, 2008
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The aggregate of your credibility on the internet, i.e. Yahoo!, Lycos, MySpace, Secondlife, Ebay
How's your I-cred? Its up in Yahoo! and down in Blogger.
by Elise Miller May 23, 2006
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There is a common misconception of the actual definition of photo cred. One does not simply receive photo cred for pressing a button to snap a cute pic. Photo cred is given when the photographer (whether they are professional or not) sets up a picture - in other words, when the photographer SEES the picture before it is taken. When photo cred is given, the photographer has done someone a service - a service the picture subject didn't ask for, but instead one that was given to them simply because they have a great friend who wants to take cool, "Facebook prof pic"-worthy picture of them. So don't expect to get photo cred when someone asks you to take a picture or when they set it up themselves - you as a photographer must see the picture yourself.
"Hey Susie! Stop in your tracks RIGHT THERE! The way that light is placed right behind you looks awesome. Let me take a sweet pic."



"Woah, that's a really cool pic of me!"

"Thanks Susie! Just make sure you give me photo cred when you make it your profile picture."
by sassygirl1991 October 3, 2013
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Indie cred has a lot to do with the independent rock movement. The more rad bands you know and have seen in concert, the cooler you are.
Indie kid: I saw Mogwai last night!
Indie kid 2: I saw them like five months ago, around the time I saw the Islands.
Indie kid: Next week I should be getting those +/- tickets I ordered.
Indie kid 2: Ahhh I'm so jealous!

And assuming people heard you, you might get more indie cred, and other indie kids think you're cooler.
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An overarching category of behaviors, talents, insider knowledge, and physical attributes which describe lesbians of the butch persuasion. Also used to indicate a level of respect regarding ones abilities to possess these characteristic with authority and ease. Related to street cred
That dyke across the bar has major butch cred. That was the smoothest dyke nod I've seen.
by burgergirl May 4, 2009
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