To get angrily yelled at, and in the process, copping a spray of saliva.
My boss caught me f*cking around at work... man, did I cop a spray!
by WingNut July 10, 2004
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Aussie slang for when your getting yelled at by some teacher or your footy coach
Guy 1: Look at John he's copping a spray from mr canetoad
Guy 2: I hope he brought his earplugs
by Toby.H May 18, 2017
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To walk underneath a stream of bodily fluid coming from an intoxicated individual on a balcony
Calum: “so Daniel I was walking underneath a balcony and copped a spray! Think I need a shower”

Daniel: “Oh no! You’ve copped a spray. Would you like a towel?”

Calum: “No thanks, Daniel. I have my own.”
by 717 April 25, 2019
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