collective bargaining

(v.) To have negotiations between employer and many employees in order to come to some sort of arrangement on changes to the conditions of employment. the idea is that both parties come to fair agreement.
The result of collective bargaining procedures is a collective agreement
by Gumba Gumba May 13, 2004
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That collective bargaining unit are a bunch of cunts who don't know what they want. Morons.
by Dick Splash September 7, 2003
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A group of proletariat people who wish to negotiate better working conditions, wages, benefits and hours from their employer.
A bunch of cunts got together and asked their boss for more while they agreed to do less. They got told to fuck off. For this privilege, they get to pay their union a percentage of their weekly pay.
1. Hey, collective bargaining unit member, if you want more money why not get out of the union and keep the dues for yourself?
by Dick Splash 2 June 13, 2009
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Definition: Mackenzies collective bargaining is the process of negotiation during meetings between reps and their employer, but more often between her and her dogs.
Mackenzie Collective Bargaining Definition:
Mackenzie to dogs tactic 1: " Get in this house NOW".

Mackenzie to dogs tactic 2: "OK!? Want some treats"?
by brandon whitaker February 11, 2021
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